User:Betty/custom languages.js

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Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

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This script displays a collapse/expand button next to each language. All languages are collapsed by default. You can toggle each language and your preference will be remembered.

The preferences are saved in the localStorage of the browser.

I tried TabbedLanguages and found it clunky and buggy, so I wrote my own script.

How to use:

Copy the line below, paste into your common.js page, and save.

importScript('User:Betty/custom_languages.js'); //Backlink: [[User:Betty/custom_languages.js]]


 * display a collapse/expand button next to each language 
 * all languages are collapsed by default
 * you can toggle each language and your preference will be remembered
 * by [[User:Betty]]
(function ( $, mw ) {

	'use strict';


	function init(){
		// only work on content pages, e.g., not special pages
		if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 0){

		// find the region of each language

		// set up click event for the toggle button

		// auto collapse all regions on page load

	// find the region of each language
	function find_region(){
		var titles = $('h2').has('.mw-headline');
		titles.each(function(i) {
			// the region is all the elements between this title and next title
			// for the last language, it's all the elements after the title
			if (i < titles.length-1) {
				var region = $(this).nextUntil(titles[i+1]);
			} else {
				var region = $(this).nextAll();

			// wrap the region
			var lang = $(this).children('.mw-headline').attr('id');
			region.wrapAll('<div class="bettycl-region bettycl-' + lang + '" />');

			// display the toggle button
			$(this).append('<a class="bettycl-toggle bettycl-' + lang + '" style="font-size:small; margin-left:2em;">Collapse ▲</a>');



	// click the button to toggle
	function watch_button(){
		$('.bettycl-toggle').click(function () {
			// get the language from the class name
			var langclass = $(this).attr('class').replace('bettycl-toggle ', '');

			// toggle the region accordingly

			// change the text on the button accordingly, and save the setting in localStorage
			if ($(this).text() === 'Collapse ▲') {
				$(this).text('Expand ▼');
				save_setting(langclass, 'collapse');
			} else {
				$(this).text('Collapse ▲');
				save_setting(langclass, 'expand');


	 * save the setting in localStorage
	 * @param langclass {string} lang code
	 * @param action {string} 'expand' or 'collapse'
	function save_setting(langclass, action){
		// first read what is already there
		var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('bettycl-langs'));
		if (list == null) {
			list = {};
		if (action === 'expand') {
			list[langclass]= 1;
		} else if (action === 'collapse') {
			list[langclass]= 0;

		localStorage.setItem('bettycl-langs', JSON.stringify(list));

	// auto collapse on page load
	function auto_collapse(){
		// read the setting from localStorage
		var lang_list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('bettycl-langs'));
		if (lang_list == null) {
			lang_list = {};

		// collpase regions according to the setting
		var button_list = $('.bettycl-toggle');
		button_list.each(function() {
			// get the language from the class name
			var langclass = $(this).attr('class').replace('bettycl-toggle ', '');

			// if a language is not on the list or is recorded as collapsed, it will be auto collapsed
			if (lang_list[langclass] === undefined || (lang_list[langclass] === 0)) {



})( window.jQuery, mediaWiki );