Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/8001-8500

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  1. 白人 (báirén) (báirén) - whity,Caucasian,whitey,white man,buckra,white people,griffin,White,white race,haole,honky,gryphon,white person,white_man,paleface
  2. 獎章奖章 (jiǎngzhāng) (jiǎngzhāng) - medal,decoration
  3. 用餐 (yòngcān) (yòngcān) - feed,dine,sup,eat a meal,have a meal
  4. 機密机密 (jīmì) (jīmì) - top secret
  5. 一大早 (yīdàzǎo) (yīdàzǎo) - at dawn
  6. 不得已 (bùdéyǐ) (bùdéyǐ) - have no alternative
  7. 本性 (běnxìng) (běnxìng) - suchness,conscience,instinct,essentiality,mettle,inbeing,nature,self,natural disposition,natural character,sense,natural instincts,inwardness,interior,inherent quality
  8. 大專院校大专院校 (dàzhuān yuànxiào) (dàzhuānyuànxiào) - community colleges
  9. 史語所史语所 (shǐyǔsuǒ) - Institute of History and Philology
  10. 黨員党员 (dǎngyuán) (dǎngyuán) - Party member
  11. 點點点点 (diǎndiǎn) (diǎndiǎn) - det.: a tiny bit
  12. 人手 (rénshǒu) (rénshǒu) - hired man,manpower,hired hand,hand
  13. 總體总体 (zǒngtǐ) (zǒngtǐ) - population,gross,entirety,macrocosm,ensemble,wholeness,collectivity,totality,oneness,whole,universe
  14. (rèn) (rèn) - recognize, know, enter into a certain relationship with, admit, own up, accept as unavoidable, undertake to do sth.
  15. (cāo) - grasp,hold
  16. 關係关系 (guānxì) - concern,affect,to matter
  17. 甄選甄选 (zhēnxuǎn) (zhēnxuǎn) - select,pick
  18. 蔓延 (mànyán) (mànyán) - spread out,extend
  19. 奪得夺得 (duódé) (duódé) - strive for,contend for,compete for,carry off
  20. (yún) (yún) - say
  21. 遠東远东 (Yuǎndōng) (yuǎndōng) - Far East
  22. 調高调高 (tiáogāo) (tiáogāo) - transfer sth. to higher agency
  23. 隨地随地 (suídì) (suídì) - anyplace,everywhere,anywhere
  24. 弊端 (bìduān) (bìduān) - rigging,irregularity,malpractice,disadvantage,corrupt practice,abuse
  25. 積分积分 (jīfēn) (jīfēn) - integration,score,integral calculus,integral_calculus,integral,total credits earned by student
  26. 課堂课堂 (kètáng) (kètáng) - classroom
  27. 蒙古 (Měnggǔ) (ménggǔ) - Mongolia
  28. (zhé) - pick,pluck,make extracts
  29. 歐洲人欧洲人 (ōuzhōurén) (ōuzhōurén) - European
  30. 燈具灯具 (dēngjù) (dēngjù) - lamps and lanterns
  31. 調高调高 (tiáogāo) (tiáogāo) - transfer sth. to higher agency
  32. 勞保劳保 (láobǎo) (láobǎo) - labor insurance
  33. 買進买进 (mǎijìn) (mǎijìn) - buy,purchase
  34. 意識到意识到 (yìshìdào) - smell,be conscious,be aware of,sense,aware of,awake to,appreciate,be conscious of,realize,be conscious/aware of
  35. 渴望 (kěwàng) (kěwàng) - thirst/long for
  36. 麥克風麦克风 (màikèfēng) (màikèfēng) - microphone,mike
  37. 發放发放 (fāfàng) (fāfàng) - provide,grant,extend
  38. 節點节点 (jiédiǎn) (jiédiǎn) - knob,knot,node
  39. 違建违建 (wéijiàn) (wéijiàn) - non-conforming building
  40. 農田农田 (nóngtián) (nóngtián) - country,farming area,farmland,soil,cultivated land,cropland
  41. 遊覽車游览车 (yóulǎnchē) (yóulǎnchē) - charabanc,coach,tourist coach,tourer
  42. 接待 (jiēdài) (jiēdài) - receive (guests),serve (customers)
  43. (zhóu) - axle,shaft,axis,spool,rod
  44. 標竿标竿 (biāogān) (biāogān) - surveyor's pole
  45. 載入载入 (zàirù) - load,enter into,record in
  46. 要緊要紧 (yàojǐn) (yàojǐn) - be in a hurry to,serious,critical,essential,weigh,be anxious to,count,signify,important,matter
  47. 訂購订购 (dìnggòu) (dìnggòu) - order goods
  48. 訂購订购 (dìnggòu) (dìnggòu) - order goods
  49. 前方 (qiánfāng) (qiánfāng) - front_line,(war) front,ahead,front direction,front,the front
  50. 軍官军官 (jūnguān) (jūnguān) - wardroom,officer,military officer,military_officer,striper,officiary
  51. (liè) (liè) - strong,violent,intense
  52. 保送 (bǎosòng) (bǎosòng) - recommend sb. for admission to school/etc.
  53. 美妙 (měimiào) (měimiào) - beautiful,splendid,wonderful
  54. 哈佛 (Hāfó) (hāfó) - Harvard
  55. 東區东区 (dōngqū) (dōngqū) - Eastern area
  56. 保費保费 (bǎofèi) (bǎofèi) - insurance premium,premium,insurance (fee)
  57. 近代史 (jìndàishǐ) (jìndàishǐ) - modern history
  58. 相通 (xiāngtōng) (xiāngtōng) - communicate,intercommunicate,communicate with each other,be interlinked
  59. (yuàn) (yuàn) - blame,reproach,reprove
  60. 相對於相对于 (xiāngduìyú) - relative
  61. 恰好 (qiàhǎo) (qiàhǎo) - exactly,just right
  62. 乘坐 (chéngzuò) (chéngzuò) - travel (by a conveyance)
  63. 受損受损 (shòusǔn) (shòusǔn) - suffer loss,go,damage from
  64. 祈求 (qíqiú) (qíqiú) - call_down,invoke,plead,petition,earnestly hope,may,pray for,supplicate,adjure,pray
  65. () () - stand,exist,live
  66. 佛法 (fófǎ) (fófǎ) - Buddha dharma,Buddhist doctrine,power of Buddha
  67. (xián) - spring (of watch,string,quarter,string of musical instrument,etc.),catling,chord,quadrature,bowstring,spring (of watch/etc.),spring,the string of a musical instrument,quartile,catgut,cord,subtense,hypotenuse
  68. (hàn) - sudor,khan,sweat,lather,perspiration
  69. 作成 (zuòchéng) (zuòchéng) - help,consummate,successfully complete,compose
  70. 法治 (fǎzhì) (fǎzhì) - constitutionality,rule of law,law
  71. 成年 (chéngnián) (chéngnián) - grow up,come of age
  72. 非凡 (fēifán) (fēifán) - outstanding,extraordinary,uncommon
  73. 白雪 (báixuě) (báixuě) - white snow
  74. (fèi) - lungs
  75. 官司 (guānsī) - lawsuit
  76. 樹幹树干 (shùgàn) (shùgàn) - shaft,tree_trunk,trunk,stock,bole,tree trunk
  77. 拜託拜托 (bàituō) (bàituō) - request sb. to do sth.
  78. 比對比对 (bǐduì) (bǐduì) - map
  79. 山東山东 (Shāndōng) (shāndōng) - Shantung,Shandong province,Shandong
  80. 加值 (jiāzhí) (jiāzhí) - add value
  81. 水分 (shuǐfèn) (shuǐfèn) - moisture,inprecision,humidity,wet,moisture content,exaggeration
  82. 左邊左边 (zuǒbiān) (zuǒbiān) - portside,nearside,the left-hand side,the left side,left,the left,left side
  83. 史前 (shǐqián) (shǐqián) - prehistoric era
  84. 台中縣 (táizhōngxiàn) - Taichung County
  85. (qiāo) (qiāo) - strike,beat (drum/etc.)
  86. 水土 (shuǐtǔ) (shuǐtǔ) - natural environment and climate,climate,water and soil
  87. 幕僚 (mùliáo) (mùliáo) - aides and staff,assistant to high official/general
  88. 鞏固巩固 (gǒnggù) (gǒnggù) - consolidate,strengthen,solidify
  89. 演習演习 (yǎnxí) (yǎnxí) - maneuver,exercise,drill,practice
  90. 福特 (Fútè) (fútè) - Ford
  91. 演習演习 (yǎnxí) (yǎnxí) - maneuver,exercise,drill,practice
  92. 調 (tiáo) - regulate,adjust,mediate
  93. 鞏固巩固 (gǒnggù) (gǒnggù) - consolidate,strengthen,solidify
  94. (péi) (péi) - compensate,pay for,stand a loss
  95. 出動出动 (chūdòng) (chūdòng) - start_out,set out,dispatch,start off,send out
  96. 覆蓋覆盖 (fùgài) (fùgài) - plate,enshroud,cap,overlay,deluge,inundate,bestrew,steep,blanket,bespread,superimpose,clothe,clot,submerge,muffle,shroud,face,spread,shadow,drape,overflow,spread over,mantle,cover,sheathe,smother,coat,hood,lap,enclothe
  97. 點心点心 (diǎnxīn) (diǎnxīn) - collation,snack,refreshment,refection,dimsum,pastry,light refreshments
  98. 舉凡举凡 (jǔfán) (jǔfán) - conj.: whatever
  99. 響應响应 (xiǎngyìng) (xiǎngyìng) - respond, answer
  100. 聯誼联谊 (liányì) (liányí) - socialize
  101. 職責职责 (zhízé) (zhízé) - department,responsibility,function,incumbency,office,charge,province,duty,obligation,role
  102. 謊言谎言 (huǎngyán) (huǎngyán) - tarradiddle,lie,inveracity,false statement,taradiddle,squib,falsehood,falsity,story,prevarication,fib,fairy-tale,crammer,fibbery,leasing,flam,untruth,tale,unveracity,fabrication
  103. 人類學人类学 (rénlèixué) (rénlèixué) - physical_anthropology,Pithecanthropus,humanics,anthropology
  104. 手足 (shǒuzú) (shǒuzú) - brothers
  105. 會報会报 (huìbào) - proceeding,transactions
  106. 主講主讲 (zhǔjiǎng) (zhǔjiǎng) - be the speaker,give a lecture
  107. 刀子 (dāozi) (dāozi5) - knife,pocketknife,dagger,small knife
  108. 北平 (Běipíng) (běipíng) - Beiping,Peking,Peiping
  109. 古物 (gǔwù) (gǔwù) - ancient objects,antiquities
  110. 天使 (tiānshǐ) (tiānshǐ) - intelligence,angel,angelic,nimbus,spirit
  111. 大哥大 (dàgēdà) (dàgēdà) - hand phone,man with power,rich person,cellular telephone,super boss,cellular_phone,portable,walkie-talkie,boss,mobile phone,portable/cellular telephone,godfather,powerful person,portable telephone,rich/powerful person
  112. 比對比对 (bǐduì) (bǐduì) - map
  113. 四肢 (sìzhī) (sìzhī) - arms and legs,extremity,four limbs
  114. 情意 (qíngyì) (qíngyì) - tender regards,affection
  115. 液晶 (yèjīng) (yìjīng) - liquid crystal
  116. 陪伴 (péibàn) (péibàn) - accompany,keep sb. company
  117. 陪伴 (péibàn) (péibàn) - accompany,keep sb. company
  118. 陳述陈述 (chénshù) (chénshù) - state
  119. 陳述陈述 (chénshù) (chénshù) - state
  120. 莫不 (mòbù) (mòbù) - there's no one who doesn't/isn't
  121. 陸軍陆军 (lùjūn) (lùjūn) - ground force,army,ground,ground/land force,land force
  122. 聲稱声称 (shēngchēng) (shēngchēng) - avouch,claim,assertion,purport,hold,profession,allege,represent,avow,declare,confess,announce,assert,say,aver,profess
  123. 追趕追赶 (zhuīgǎn) (zhuīgǎn) - chase after,pursue
  124. 教化 (jiàohuà) (jiàohuà) - enlighten people by education
  125. 細則细则 (xìzé) (xìzé) - detailed rules and regulations
  126. 累計累计 (lěijì) (lěijì) - add up
  127. (chǔ) - punish,sentence
  128. 累計累计 (lěijì) (lěijì) - add up
  129. 動植物动植物 (dòngzhíwù) (dòngzhíwù) - animal and plant
  130. 長年长年 (chángnián) - all year around
  131. 封閉封闭 (fēngbì) (fēngbì) - seal,seal off,close
  132. (tǒng) (tǒng) - m.[container]
  133. 透視透视 (tòushì) (tòushì) - perspective
  134. () () - impatiently,anxiously,rapidly,urgently
  135. (zéi) - thief
  136. 毀滅毁灭 (huǐmiè) (huǐmiè) - destroy,exterminate
  137. 殘障者残障者 (cánzhàngzhě) (cánzhàngzhě) - disabled,handicapped person,cripple
  138. 詩歌诗歌 (shīgē) (shīgē) - ode,verse,poetic,strain,rhyme,song,poems and songs,poetry,Parnassus
  139. 落成 (luòchéng) (luòchéng) - be completed (of a building/etc.)
  140. () - almost,nearly
  141. 貧困贫困 (pínkùn) (pínkùn) - poor,impoverished
  142. 募款 (mùkuǎn) (mùkuǎn) - raise money
  143. 透視透视 (tòushì) (tòushì) - perspective
  144. 停下來停下来 (tíngxiàlái) (tíngxiàlái) - stop
  145. 晚飯晚饭 (wǎnfàn) (wǎnfàn) - supper,dinner
  146. 祕密秘密 (mìmì) (mìmì) - confidential,sly,darkness,stealth,confidentiality,privacy,penetralia,huggermugger,arcanum,hugger-muggery,secrecy,secret
  147. 貧困贫困 (pínkùn) (pínkùn) - poor,impoverished
  148. 記住记住 (jìzhù) (jìzhù) - remember,learn by heart,bear in mind
  149. (jiǎn) (jiǎn) - wipe out,exterminate,cut (with scissors),clip,trim
  150. 教化 (jiàohuà) (jiàohuà) - enlighten people by education
  151. 飲茶饮茶 (yǐnchá) (yǐnchá) - drink tea
  152. 落成 (luòchéng) (luòchéng) - be completed (of a building/etc.)
  153. 李遠哲李远哲 (lǐyuǎnzhé) - Yuan Tseh Lee,Nobel laureate
  154. 活生生 (huóshēngshēng) (huóshēngshēng) - actually,really,while still alive,real,in real life,actual,living
  155. 國軍国军 (guójūn) (guójūn) - armed forces of Republic of China
  156. 青菜 (qīngcài) (qīngcài) - greengrocery,vegetable,greenstuff,green vegetables,greens,Chinese cabbage,vegetables,pakchoi,Ch. cabbage
  157. 幽浮 (yōufú) (yōufú) - UFO
  158. 虐待 (nüèdài) (nuèdài) - maltreat,tyrannize,abuse
  159. 虐待 (nüèdài) (nuèdài) - maltreat,tyrannize,abuse
  160. (zhǔn) (zhǔn) - allow,grant,permit
  161. 為數为数 (wéishù) (wéishù) - amount to,number
  162. 面對面面对面 (miànduìmiàn) (miànduìmiàn) - face to face
  163. () () - form,make up (into),compose
  164. 細部细部 (xìbù) (xìbù) - detail (of drawing)
  165. 堂哥 (tánggē) (tánggē) - elder male cousin (with same surname)
  166. 素養素养 (sùyǎng) (sùyǎng) - accomplishment,attainment
  167. (sǎo) - sweep,sweep away
  168. 理事 (lǐshì) (lǐshì) - trustee,senator,manager,directorate,commissioner,director,governor,council member,board member,syndic,administrator
  169. 放入 (fàngrù) (fàngrù) - interpose,load into,include
  170. 高漲高涨 (gāozhǎng) (gāozhǎng) - rise,surge up,run high
  171. 商務商务 (shāngwù) (shāngwù) - business affairs
  172. 高漲高涨 (gāozhǎng) (gāozhǎng) - rise,surge up,run high
  173. 能幹能干 (nénggàn) (nénggàn) - able-minded,competent
  174. 核能 (hénéng) (hénéng) - nuclear_power,nuclear energy,atomic power,atomic energy,nuclear_energy,nuclear power
  175. 造訪造访 (zàofǎng) (zàofǎng) - pay visit,call on
  176. (tōng) - communicate/connect (with),join,share,be interchangeable with...
  177. 淚水泪水 (lèishuǐ) (lèishuǐ) - tear,tear-drops
  178. 教育部長教育部长 (jiàoyūbùzhǎng) - minister of Education
  179. 時而时而 (shí'ér) (shíér) - from time to time,sometimes,,sometimes...sometimes
  180. 造訪造访 (zàofǎng) (zàofǎng) - pay visit,call on
  181. 雪梨 (xuělí) (xuělí) - Sydney
  182. 快要 (kuàiyào) (kuàiyào) - in a short time,promptly,at once,instantly,pronto,immediately,shortly,without delay,tout-de-suite,right away,forthwith,soon,in a few seconds,before long,straightaway,in a minute,in no time
  183. 合理化 (hélǐhuà) (hélǐhuà) - rationalize
  184. 佔領占领 (zhànlǐng) (zhànlǐng) - occupy,possess,hold,invade,seize,seizure,occupation,capture,conquer,take over
  185. 汽機車汽机车 (qìjīchē) - vehicle
  186. 批准 (pīzhǔn) (pīzhǔn) - ratify,approve,sanction
  187. 刺激 (cìjī) (cìjī) - provoking
  188. 西德 (Xīdé) (xīdé) - West Germany
  189. 份量 (fènliàng) - percentage,weight,quantity
  190. 合同 (hétong) - bond,paction,covenant,bargain,compact,agreement,indenture,contract,whiz
  191. () - seem
  192. 村莊村庄 (cūnzhuāng) (cūnzhuāng) - small town,village,thorpe,wick,settlement,thorp,hamlet
  193. 那裡那里 (nàlǐ) (nàlǐ) - how could it be possible?
  194. 洞穴 (dòngxué) (dòngxuè) - cavern,grotto,scoop,subterranean,pocket,cave,subterrane,burrow,mine,souterrain,pothole,opening
  195. 老化 (lǎohuà) (lǎohuà) - age,grow older
  196. 風光风光 (fēngguāng) - grand
  197. 走過去走过去 (zǒuguòqù) - walk to
  198. (shēn) (shēn) - extend,crane,stretch,extension
  199. 老化 (lǎohuà) (lǎohuà) - age,grow older
  200. 免於免于 (miǎnyú) (miǎnyū) - avoid,fend off,debar,head off,cheat,avert,ward off,deflect,stave off,obviate
  201. 房租 (fángzū) (fángzū) - house rent,rent (for house,rent (for house/flat/etc.),etc.),rent,flat
  202. 阿美族 (Āměizú) (āměizú) - Ami ethnic minority (in Taiwan)
  203. 糾纏纠缠 (jiūchán) (jiūchán) - bug,be in a tangle,pester,shadow,imply,worry,beset,enlace,intertwine,beleaguer,badger,tease,besiege,mat,tangle,weave,lock,kink,entangle,snarl,haunt,nag,harass,pursue,get entangled
  204. 放出 (fàngchū) (fàngchū) - radiate,emission,give_off,spew,give off,extricate,deflate,emit,expel,release,effuse,evolve,pay_out,let_out,give,discharge,let out,give out,eject,discard
  205. 風箏风筝 (fēngzhēng) - kite
  206. 放映 (fàngyìng) (fàngyìng) - project (film),screen,projection,project,show
  207. 風光风光 (fēngguāng) - grand
  208. (diàn) (diàn) - give/get an electric shock
  209. 改用 (gǎiyòng) (gǎiyòng) - change to use of sth.,change use of sth.
  210. 方位 (fāngwèi) (fāngwèi) - AZ,aspect,quarter,exposure,position,trend,spatial relation,azimuth,points of the compass,direction,orientation,bearing
  211. 頭銜头衔 (tóuxián) (tóuxián) - viscountcy,title,official title,inheritance,style,handle,doctorate,prefix
  212. () () - sth. indicating number,code
  213. (zhěng) (zhěng) - put in order,arrange,consolidate,repair,mend,do
  214. 踏上 (tàshàng) (tàshàng) - tread on,step on
  215. 憧憬 (chōngjǐng) (chōngjǐng) - long for,look forward to
  216. 總務总务 (zǒngwù) (zǒngwù) - general affairs, person in charge of general affairs
  217. 憧憬 (chōngjǐng) (chōngjǐng) - long for,look forward to
  218. 臺北縣台北县 (táiběixiàn) - Taipei County
  219. (zhuàng) - run into,strike,collide,meet by chance,rush,dash,dupe
  220. 認清认清 (rènqīng) (rènqīng) - recognition,see clearly,see through to,get a clear understanding of,recognize
  221. 出爐出炉 (chūlú) (chūlú) - come out of the oven
  222. 期許期许 (qīxǔ) (qíxǔ) - hope,expect
  223. 子彈子弹 (zǐdàn) (zǐdàn) - musket ball,lead,shell,cartridge,bullet,ball,payload,slug
  224. 嘗試尝试 (chángshì) (chángshì) - try
  225. 回流 (huíliú) (huíliú) - regurgitate,refluent,regurgitation,backwash
  226. 大肆 (dàsì) (dàsì) - wantonly
  227. 公演 (gōngyǎn) (gōngyǎn) - perform in public
  228. 不慎 (bùshèn) (búshèn) - immodest,incautious
  229. 外長外长 (wàizhǎng) (wàizhǎng) - Foreign Minister,exogenous,Minister of Foreign Affairs,foreign minister
  230. 水電水电 (shuǐdiàn) (shuǐdiàn) - hydropower,water and electricity
  231. 心臟病心脏病 (xīnzàngbìng) (xīnzàngbìng) - heart trouble,heart disease,cardiopathy,heart_disease,heart condition
  232. 公演 (gōngyǎn) (gōngyǎn) - perform in public
  233. 巴格達巴格达 (Bāgédá) (bāgédá) - Bagdad,Baghdad,capital of Iraq
  234. 小販小贩 (xiǎofàn) (xiǎofàn) - wallah,hucksterer,grifter,hawker,Higgler,pedlar,coster,badger,vendor,chapman,peddler,roadman,faker
  235. 公認公认 (gōngrèn) (gōngrèn) - legalize,acknowledge generally,recognize,accept,generally acknowledge/recognize/accept,acknowledged,generally recognize/accept,generally acknowledge,vote
  236. 瀑布 (pùbù) - falls,linn,overfall,Niagara,waterfall,fall,cataract,chute,cascade,sault
  237. 女郎 (nǚláng) (nǔláng) - young_girl,young lady,young woman,fille,girl,miss,missy,maiden
  238. 意涵 (yìhán) (yìhán) - meaning,implication,connotation
  239. 合理化 (hélǐhuà) (hélǐhuà) - rationalize
  240. 須要须要 (xūyào) (xūyào) - must,have to
  241. 復興复兴 (fùxīng) (fùxīng) - revive,resurge,rejuvenate
  242. 復興复兴 (fùxīng) (fùxīng) - revive,resurge,rejuvenate
  243. 期許期许 (qīxǔ) (qíxǔ) - hope,expect
  244. (jìn) - prohibit
  245. 遇見遇见 (yùjiàn) (yūjiàn) - come across,encounter,come_across,forgather,meet,meet up with
  246. 解說解说 (jiěshuō) (jiěshuō) - comment,interpretation
  247. 照射 (zhàoshè) (zhàoshè) - shine on,light up
  248. 景物 (jǐngwù) (jǐngwù) - scenery
  249. (liáng) - estimate,measure
  250. 發洩发泄 (fāxiè) (fāxiè) - exhale,give vent to,give vent,let off,ventilate,let_out,abreact,vent,wreak
  251. 銜接衔接 (xiánjiē) (xiánjiē) - link up,join
  252. 幹員干员 (gànyuán) (gànyuán) - capable official
  253. 銜接衔接 (xiánjiē) (xiánjiē) - link up,join
  254. 照射 (zhàoshè) (zhàoshè) - shine on,light up
  255. (shùn) (shùn) - smooth-going,plain sailing,arrange,put in order
  256. 開闊开阔 (kāikuò) (kāikuò) - tolerant,open,widen,spacious,expansive
  257. 質詢质询 (zhìxún) (zhíxún) - request explanation
  258. 熱絡热络 (rèluò) (rèluò) - enthusiastic
  259. 選取选取 (xuǎnqǔ) (xuǎnqǔ) - select
  260. 熱絡热络 (rèluò) (rèluò) - enthusiastic
  261. 質詢质询 (zhìxún) (zhíxún) - request explanation
  262. 圖畫图画 (túhuà) (túhuà) - illustration,painting,picture,portrait,graphic,depiction,drawing
  263. 盤旋盘旋 (pánxuán) (pánxuán) - circle,whorl,stay,linger,hover,twist,wheel,spiral,yaw,whirl,convolve
  264. 餘地余地 (yúdì) (yūdì) - leeway,margin,room,latitude
  265. 魚塭鱼塭 (yúwēn) (yūwēn) - fishpond
  266. 感恩 (gǎn'ēn) (gǎnēn) - feel grateful,be thankful
  267. 雞蛋鸡蛋 (jīdàn) (jīdàn) - hen's egg
  268. 攤位摊位 (tānwèi) (tānwèi) - stand, booth, stall
  269. (jué) - chew, munch
  270. 驚喜惊喜 (jīngxǐ) (jīngxǐ) - be pleasantly surprised
  271. 雜貨店杂货店 (záhuòdiàn) (záhuòdiàn) - grocery store,chandlery,drugstore,chandler,sundry store,grocery,bodega,grocery_store,general store
  272. 批准 (pīzhǔn) (pīzhǔn) - ratify,approve,sanction
  273. 法律系 (fǎlùxì) - legal department
  274. 鍵盤键盘 (jiànpán) (jiànpán) - clavier,keyset,keyboard,fingerboard,piano keyboard,Klavier
  275. 偶而 (ǒu'ér) (ǒuér) - occasionally
  276. 虔誠虔诚 (qiánchéng) (qiánchéng) - pious,devout
  277. 偶然 (ǒurán) (ǒurán) - fortuitous,chance
  278. 脈絡脉络 (màiluò) (mòluò) - arteries and veins,vein (of leaf/etc.),sequence of ideas
  279. 耗費耗费 (hàofèi) (hàofèi) - consume,expend
  280. 抗原 (kàngyuán) (kàngyuán) - antigen
  281. 耗費耗费 (hàofèi) (hàofèi) - consume,expend
  282. 效用 (xiàoyòng) (xiàoyòng) - effectuality,service,efficiency,effectivity,help,value,effectualness,usefulness,utility,avail,effectiveness
  283. 婚禮婚礼 (hūnlǐ) (hūnlǐ) - wedding ceremony
  284. () () - start
  285. 時髦时髦 (shímáo) (shímáo) - fashionable,in vogue
  286. 情調情调 (qíngdiào) (qíngdiào) - sentiment,tone and mood,taste
  287. 係數系数 (xìshù) (xìshù) - quotiety,coefficient,ingredient,factor,constituent,modulus,element,component
  288. 這裏这里 (zhèlǐ) (zhèlǐ) - here
  289. 拍賣拍卖 (pāimài) (pāimài) - auction,sell at reduced price
  290. 虔誠虔诚 (qiánchéng) (qiánchéng) - pious,devout
  291. 盛況盛况 (shèngkuàng) (shèngkuàng) - grand occation,spectacular event,pomp,grand occasion,eclat
  292. 混淆 (hǔnyáo) - blur,confuse,mix up
  293. 國手国手 (guóshǒu) (guóshǒu) - national contestant (in chess/etc.)
  294. (zhǎi) - narrow,petty,hard up
  295. 神仙 (shénxiān) (shénxiān) - immortal
  296. 時效时效 (shíxiào) (shíxiào) - effectiveness,aging,prescription,period of effectiveness
  297. 頂多顶多 (dǐngduō) (dǐngduō) - at most/best
  298. 連鎖连锁 (liánsuǒ) (liánsuǒ) - chain
  299. (téng) (téng) - hurt,ache,pain
  300. 依循 (yīxún) (yīxún) - follow
  301. 任用 (rènyòng) (rènyòng) - appoint,assign to post
  302. 沉重 (chénzhòng) (chénzhòng) - heavy,serious
  303. 來不及来不及 (láibùjí) (láibùjí) - be too late to do sth.
  304. 字眼 (zìyǎn) (zìyǎn) - words,wording,diction
  305. 作曲家 (zuòqǔjiā) (zuòqǔjiā) - tunesmith,harmonist,musician,songsmith,composer
  306. 自強自强 (zìqiáng) (zìqiáng) - improve oneself,self-strengthening
  307. 任用 (rènyòng) (rènyòng) - appoint,assign to post
  308. (dīng) (dīng) - fix one's eyes on,gaze/stare at,gaze,stare at,gaze at
  309. 前輩前辈 (qiánbèi) (qiánbèi) - senior (in age/experience/etc.),elder,older generation
  310. 疫苗 (yìmiáo) (yìmiáo) - bacterin,inoculum,vaccine
  311. 疲倦 (píjuàn) (píjuàn) - languid,weary,tire,tiredness,lassitude,languor,jade,tired,ennui
  312. (xiàng) - back street,lane,alleyway,alley
  313. () - take (medicine)
  314. 政客 (zhèngkè) (zhèngkè) - hack,politico,ward-heeler,politician,political hack,machine politician,statist
  315. 版權版权 (bǎnquán) (bǎnquán) - right of first publication,copyright
  316. 服氣服气 (fúqì) (fúqì) - be convinced,convince,feel things are fair
  317. 服藥服药 (fúyào) (fúyào) - take medicine
  318. 爭奪争夺 (zhēngduó) (zhēngduó) - fight for,enter into rivalry over,campaign,agitate,contend for,fight,push,crusade,scramble,vie with sb. for sth.
  319. 病例 (bìnglì) (bìnglì) - case of illness,case (of illness),case
  320. 信件 (xìnjiàn) (xìnjiàn) - correspondence,missive,mail,letters,post,letter
  321. 拍賣拍卖 (pāimài) (pāimài) - auction,sell at reduced price
  322. 票價票价 (piàojià) (piàojià) - admission fee,the price of a ticket,entrance fee,ticket price,carfare
  323. 長短长短 (chángduǎn) (chángduǎn) - length,right and wrong,strong and weak points
  324. 座位 (zuòwèi) (zuòwèi) - perch,table,saddle,pew,place to sit,place,seat,locus
  325. 上去 (shàngqù) (shàngqù) - go up
  326. 預先预先 (yùxiān) (yūxiān) - in advance,beforehand
  327. 實話实话 (shíhuà) (shíhuà) - true statement,truth,true story
  328. 縣委县委 (xiànwěi) (xiànwěi) - county Party committee
  329. 北區北区 (běiqū) (běiqū) - northern area
  330. () () - female (of birds/animals/etc.)
  331. 而今 (érjīn) (érjīn) - now
  332. () () - mutually,each other,mutual,together
  333. 下挫 (xiàcuò) (xiàcuò) - fall,decline,decrease
  334. 山頂山顶 (shāndǐng) (shāndǐng) - mountaintop,summit of a mountain,hilltop,top of a mountain,mountain top,knap,ben
  335. 未知 (wèizhī) (wèizhī) - unknow
  336. 打到 (dǎdào) (dǎdào) - hit (the target)
  337. 淹沒淹没 (yānmò) (yānmò) - engross,float,overshadow,deluge,submerse,inundate,overwhelm,die,flood,submerge,drench,deafen,bury,swallow up,flood out,swallow,drown,whelm,inundation,swamp,immerse,submergence,overwhelming,eat up
  338. 地層地层 (dìcéng) (dìcéng) - measure,geological formation,formation,geology,bed,stratification,stratum,layer
  339. 謀生谋生 (móushēng) (móushēng) - make a living,seek a livelihood,seek livelihood
  340. 一手 (yīshǒu) - single-handedly,alone
  341. 中斷中断 (zhōngduàn) (zhōngduàn) - drop,go_off,go off,cut_off,suspend,discontinuance,intermit,discontinue,pause,break_off,terminate,suspension,break off,corrupt,fall_through,break,interrupt,knock off
  342. (wèi) (wèi) - salt,feed
  343. 懲罰惩罚 (chéngfá) (chéngfá) - punish, penalize
  344. 講解讲解 (jiǎngjiě) (jiǎngjiě) - explain, narrate
  345. 聽取听取 (tīngqǔ) (tīngqǔ) - listen to
  346. 蘇格蘭苏格兰 (Sūgélán) (sūgélán) - Scotland
  347. 礦工矿工 (kuànggōng) (kuànggōng) - miner
  348. 籌措筹措 (chóucuò) (chóucuò) - raise money
  349. 舉起举起 (jǔqǐ) (jǔqǐ) - heize,heave,elevate,put_up,wind,put up,lift_up,set up,lift_out,hoist,uphold,hold_up,uprear,hold up,uplift,upraise,uptake,raise_up,raise,pry,rear,lift,erect,upheave,hoise,heft
  350. 檳榔槟榔 (bīngláng) (bīnláng) - betel_nut,betel palm,areca,areca_nut,betel nut,pinang,areca nut
  351. 下挫 (xiàcuò) (xiàcuò) - fall,decline,decrease
  352. 畫廊画廊 (huàláng) (huàláng) - painted corridor,(picture) gallery
  353. 貨車货车 (huòchē) (huòchē) - goods/freight train/wagon/van/car,truck,lorry
  354. 酗酒 (xùjiǔ) (xùjiǔ) - drink excessively
  355. 無常无常 (wúcháng) (wúcháng) - impermanent,changeable
  356. 發揚发扬 (fāyáng) (fāyáng) - develop,carry on,make most of
  357. (fán) (fán) - trouble
  358. 感人 (gǎnrén) (gǎnrén) - touching,moving
  359. 發揚发扬 (fāyáng) (fāyáng) - develop,carry on,make most of
  360. 策劃策划 (cèhuà) (cèhuà) - plan,plot,engineer
  361. 遇上 (yùshàng) (yūshàng) - come across
  362. 殖民地 (zhímíndì) (zhímíndì) - Colony,plantation,colony,habitation,settlement,colonial
  363. (shùn) (shùn) - obey,follow,submit to
  364. 墾丁垦丁 (Kěndīng) (kěndīng) - Kenting (national park)
  365. 路段 (lùduàn) (lùduàn) - section of highway/railway
  366. 館長馆长 (guǎnzhǎng) (guǎnzhǎng) - director (of library,head,director (of library/etc.),etc.),curator,director,conservator
  367. 童工 (tónggōng) (tónggōng) - child laborer,child labor
  368. 嗜好 (shìhào) (shìhào) - hobby,addiction,habit
  369. 親愛亲爱 (qīn'ài) (qīnài) - endear,beloved,dear
  370. 營利营利 (yínglì) (yínglì) - VA4
  371. 論點论点 (lùndiǎn) (lùndiǎn) - line,question,line of reasoning,argumentation,talking point,logical argument,contention,thesis,argument
  372. 獲取获取 (huòqǔ) (huòqǔ) - derive,obtain,procure,gain,get,liberate,angle,win
  373. 編號编号 (biānhào) (biānhào) - serial number
  374. 獨裁独裁 (dúcái) (dúcái) - dictatorial,autarchical,despotism,dictatorship
  375. 歷史系历史系 (lìshǐxì) - department of history,Department of History,history department
  376. () () - female
  377. 臺南台南 (Táinán) (táinán) - Tainan
  378. 混淆 (hǔnyáo) - blur,confuse,mix up
  379. 著想 (zháoxiǎng) - consider,take into consideration
  380. 依循 (yīxún) (yīxún) - follow
  381. 祕書秘书 (mìshū) (mìshū) - secretary
  382. 送往 (sòngwǎng) - deliver to
  383. 傑作杰作 (jiézuò) (jiézuò) - tour de force,masterwork,showpiece,classic,tour_de_force,masterpiece
  384. 紛爭纷争 (fēnzhēng) (fēnzhēng) - odds,affray,trouble,fracas,wrangle,dispute,squall,dispeace,imbroglio,strife,dissension,altercation
  385. () () - road,route,journey,way
  386. 參選参选 (cānxuǎn) (cānxuǎn) - take part in election,enter election
  387. 食用 (shíyòng) (shíyòng) - edible,eat
  388. 張貼张贴 (zhāngtiē) (zhāngtiē) - put up (poster/etc.)
  389. 得失 (déshī) (déshī) - gains and losses,successes and failures,merits and faults
  390. 抽籤抽签 (chōuqiān) (chōuqiān) - draw/cast lots
  391. 剝削剥削 (bōxuē) (bōxuè) - exploit
  392. 服從服从 (fúcóng) (fúcóng) - obey,submit (oneself) to,be subordinated to
  393. 風行风行 (fēngxíng) (fēngxíng) - be in fashion,be popular
  394. 到時候到时候 (dàoshíhòu) - at appointed time,on the occasion
  395. (zhāng) - stretch,spread,expand,display,set out
  396. 現成现成 (xiànchéng) (xiànchéng) - ready-made
  397. 損壞损坏 (sǔnhuài) (sǔnhuài) - damage,injure
  398. 農夫农夫 (nóngfū) (nóngfū) - farmer
  399. 農藥农药 (nóngyào) (nóngyào) - agricultural chemical,pesticide,farm chemical,insecticide,agricultural
  400. 登陸登陆 (dēnglù) (dēnglù) - land,disembark
  401. 剩餘剩余 (shèngyú) (shèngyū) - be left over,leave,remain
  402. 假設假设 (jiǎshè) (jiǎshè) - hypothesis
  403. 陣容阵容 (zhènróng) (zhènróng) - battle array,lineup,disposition
  404. 最多 (zuìduō) (zuìduō) - at (the) most
  405. 張貼张贴 (zhāngtiē) (zhāngtiē) - put up (poster/etc.)
  406. 參選参选 (cānxuǎn) (cānxuǎn) - take part in election,enter election
  407. 健行 (jiànxíng) (jiànxíng) - hike
  408. 健行 (jiànxíng) (jiànxíng) - hike
  409. 莫名其妙 (mòmíngqímiào) (mòmíngqímiào) - be baffled,without rhyme or reason,inexplicable
  410. 侮辱 (wǔrù) - insult,humiliate
  411. 郵政邮政 (yóuzhèng) (yóuzhèng) - dawk,postal service,dak,mail,postal_service,post,postal
  412. 投降 (tóuxiáng) (tóuxiáng) - surrender,capitulate
  413. 風行风行 (fēngxíng) (fēngxíng) - be in fashion,be popular
  414. 振動振动 (zhèndòng) (zhèndòng) - judder,ruffle,vibration,rock,riffle,oscillate,pulse,vibratory,vibrate,flick,flutter,flap,shimmy,pulsate
  415. 剝削剥削 (bōxuē) (bōxuè) - exploit
  416. (féi) (féi) - fertile,fat,fertilize,rich
  417. 約談约谈 (yuētán) (yuētán) - schedule a meeting
  418. 苦難苦难 (kǔnàn) (kǔnàn) - suffering,misery,distress
  419. 投降 (tóuxiáng) (tóuxiáng) - surrender,capitulate
  420. 省思 (xǐngsī) (xǐngsī) - introspect
  421. 吃掉 (chīdiào) (chīdiào) - polish_off,wipe out,annihilate,consume (food)
  422. 沈默 (chénmò) (chénmò) - reticent,taciturn,silent
  423. 交流道 (jiāoliú dào) (jiāoliúdào) - slip road
  424. 好事 (hǎoshì) - an act of charity,alms,good deed/turn,good turn,good works,turn,good deed
  425. 波蘭波兰 (Bōlán) (pōlán) - Poland
  426. 因緣因缘 (yīnyuán) (yīnyuán) - principal and secondary causes,silver dollar,predestined relationship,opportunity,chance
  427. 吸血鬼 (xīxuèguǐ) (xīxiěguǐ) - bloodsucker,lamia,vampire,leech,Dracula
  428. 初中 (chūzhōng) (chūzhōng) - junior high school,junior_high_school,junior middle school,junior high
  429. 為由为由 (wéiyóu) - for the reason of...
  430. 烈酒 (lièjiǔ) (lièjiǔ) - strong drink,hard drink,grog,tipple,aqua vitae,firewater,poison,spirits,tanglefoot,rozener,John Barleycorn,hard liquor,hooch,tangle-legs,short,spirit,ardent_spirits,strong_drink,knockdown,ardent spirits,liquor,booze,hard_drink,eyewater
  431. 約談约谈 (yuētán) (yuētán) - schedule a meeting
  432. 沼澤沼泽 (zhǎozé) (zhǎozé) - sump,cienaga,curragh,marshland,moss,vlaie,peat bog,morass,moorland,fen,slough,bog,fenland,marish,swamp,marsh,mere,moor
  433. 計算機计算机 (jìsuànjī) (jìsuànjī) - counter,arithmometer,calculating machine,calculating_machine,computer,calculator
  434. 省思 (xǐngsī) (xǐngsī) - introspect
  435. 抽籤抽签 (chōuqiān) (chōuqiān) - draw/cast lots
  436. (huī) (huī) - brandish,wipe off/away,command (an army),scatter,disperse,squander (money/etc.)
  437. 陌生人 (mòshēngrén) (mòshēngrén) - unco,alien,stranger,outcomer,outlander,foreigner,unknown
  438. 香檳香槟 (xiāngbīn) (xiāngbīn) - Champagne,champagne
  439. 服從服从 (fúcóng) (fúcóng) - obey,submit (oneself) to,be subordinated to
  440. 枕頭枕头 (zhěntou) (zhěntou) - pillow
  441. 飛翔飞翔 (fēixiáng) (fēixiáng) - wheel,circle in the air,hover,fly
  442. 侮辱 (wǔrù) - insult,humiliate
  443. 首相 (shǒuxiàng) (shǒuxiàng) - prime minister
  444. 分擔分担 (fēndān) (fēndān) - share responsibility for
  445. 反觀反观 (fǎnguān) (fǎnguān) - look_back,look at sth. from different aspect
  446. 功利 (gōnglì) (gōnglì) - utility,material gain
  447. (fēn) - distribute,allot
  448. 人世 (rénshì) (rénshì) - the human world,human world
  449. () () - huge,gigantic
  450. 考核 (kǎohé) (kǎohé) - examination
  451. 本領本领 (běnlǐng) (běnlǐng) - address,proficiency,skill,knack,ability,capability,flair
  452. 生育 (shēngyù) (shēngyū) - give birth to,bear
  453. 天命 (tiānmìng) (tiānmìng) - Destiny,dispensation,destiny,vocation,the mandate of heaven,kismet,Fate,mandate of heaven,manifest destiny,fate,God's will
  454. 田園田园 (tiányuán) (tiányuán) - pastoral,fields and gardens,homestead,countryside,geoponics
  455. 公務公务 (gōngwù) (gōngwù) - public service,public affairs,official business
  456. 分擔分担 (fēndān) (fēndān) - share responsibility for
  457. 公債公债 (gōngzhài) (gōngzhài) - government_bond,Treasury bond,government bond,fund,public loan,security,loan,government loan
  458. 損壞损坏 (sǔnhuài) (sǔnhuài) - damage,injure
  459. 月球 (Yuèqiú) (yuèqiú) - luminary,moon
  460. 太陽能太阳能 (tàiyángnéng) (tàiyángnéng) - solar_energy,solar power,solar_power,solar energy
  461. 縮減缩减 (suōjiǎn) (suōjiǎn) - reduce, cut
  462. (jiàn) (jiàn) - key (of piano/computer/etc.), bond, bolt (of door)
  463. (jiào) - sleeping
  464. 鎮壓镇压 (zhènyā) (zhènyā) - suppress, repress, put down, execute (counterrevolutionary)
  465. 灌輸灌输 (guànshū) (guànshū) - instill into, imbue with, teach, impart
  466. 大規模大规模 (dàguīmó) (dàguīmó) - large-handed,on large-scale,largely
  467. 大街 (dàjiē) (dàjiē) - calzada,thoroughfare,prado,avenue,high street,boulevard,street,main street
  468. 共產共产 (gòngchǎn) (gòngchǎn) - communist
  469. 回教 (Huíjiào) (huíjiào) - Moslemism,Islam,Mohammedanism,Islamism
  470. 心智 (xīnzhì) (xīnzhì) - intelligence,psyche,mental,wit,mental capacity,brain,mentality,wisdom,learning ability,brainpower
  471. 下手 (xiàshǒu) (xiàshǒu) - put one's hand to,start,set about,set to, start
  472. 大夥大伙 (dàhuǒ) (dàhuǒ) - us,we,we all,everyone
  473. 出海 (chūhǎi) (chūhǎi) - outstand,go to or put out to sea,put out to sea,go to sea
  474. 打斷打断 (dǎduàn) (dǎduàn) - fragment,disrupt,desist_from,cut_off,put_in,cut off,put in,discontinue,break up,cut short,barge in,punctuate,chime in,break_in,break in,butt in,interruption,burst_in_on,interpellate,cut in,break,interrupt
  475. 大大小小 (dàdàxiǎoxiǎo) (dàdàxiǎoxiǎo) - all sorts/kinds,various
  476. 登陸登陆 (dēnglù) (dēnglù) - land,disembark
  477. 天色 (tiānsè) (tiānsè) - sky,time of day,color of sky,weather
  478. () () - m.[general]
  479. 歌壇歌坛 (gētán) (gētán) - vocal circle/group
  480. 頑皮顽皮 (wánpí) (wánpí) - naughty,mischievous
  481. 歌舞 (gēwǔ) (gēwǔ) - song and dance
  482. 綿延绵延 (miányán) (miányán) - continuing,be continuous,stretch long and unbroken
  483. 適宜适宜 (shìyí) (shìyí) - fit,accommodate,befit,suitable,suit,appropriate
  484. 精進精进 (jīngjìn) (jīngjìn) - energetic,aggressive,enterprising
  485. 節慶节庆 (jiéqìng) (jiéqìng) - fete,fiesta,feast,festival
  486. 喜好 (xǐhào) (xǐhào) - like,love,be fond of
  487. (mēn) - shut indoors,seal,stuffy,shut oneself or sb. indoors,muffled (of sound),in low spirits,bored,cover tightly,frowsty
  488. 搜集 (sōují) (sōují) - glean,conglomerate,pile up,amass,gather,accumulate,collect,cumulate,collection,gathering
  489. 湖南 (Húnán) (húnán) - Hunan province
  490. 喜好 (xǐhào) (xǐhào) - like,love,be fond of
  491. 頑皮顽皮 (wánpí) (wánpí) - naughty,mischievous
  492. (jiǎn) - pick up,collect,gather
  493. 切入 (qiērù) (qiērù) - incise
  494. 民選民选 (mínxuǎn) (mínxuǎn) - elected by the people,popularly elected
  495. 人行道 (rénxíngdào) (rénxíngdào) - path,pavement,sidewalk,footpath,banquette,paseo,footway,walkway,trottoir,sideway,causeway,walk
  496. 生育 (shēngyù) (shēngyū) - give birth to,bear
  497. 戰士战士 (zhànshì) (zhànshì) - man,belligerent,fighter,scrapper,gladiator,champion,paladin,soldier,warrior,hero,battler,combatant
  498. 樂於乐于 (lèyú) (lèyú) - indulge,delight,be happy to,take delight in
  499. 濕地湿地 (shīdì) (shīdì) - peat bog,fen,bog,marshland,fenland,dismal,marsh,swamp,quag,wash,swale,everglade,wetland
  500. 視線视线 (shìxiàn) (shìxiàn) - line of sight,view,line of vision,sight,line_of_vision,line_of_sight