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THE ART OF SKINLESSNESS -- Lying low in the highlands. A blood-poet. Gaining an element of control by admitting that he has no control. The nature of creativity regularly confronts him with the reality of his own sweet death. He experiences a kind of frozen psychosis, an initiation into skinlessness. Impaled in sky, forced to fly. The artist as hungry ghost, the hungry ghost as blood-poet. Private moments difficult to describe in detail-events that can only be recovered from. Through tis exhaution comes a fragment of peace, then warmth. An emotional ejaculation both horrific and serene. The work itself exists on the faultline between the breakdown and the breakthrough. The artist is learning to drink the blood from the heart of a dying man. Passion must not be stopped - allow it to kill. Hunt down and feel each misguided thrill. Creativity is a wepaon that helps dilute thoughts of suicide. This needle of light punctures the spine of all blood-poets. Maybe saving lives. --