Queen Elizabeth Islands

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Queen Elizabeth +‎ islands. Named after Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada; renamed in honour of her coronation as Queen (Empress) of the British Empire. The island cluster was formerly the Parry Islands / Parry Archipelago, which subsequently were restricted to referring to the southernmost islands of the island cluster, running along the Parry Channel.

Proper noun[edit]

Queen Elizabeth Islands

  1. An archipelago that is a component of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the northern islands north of the Parry Channel (the Straight East-West Northwest Passage), west of the Nares Strait, and bounded on the north and west by the Arctic Ocean.




  • Parry Islands (the islands lying north of and along the Parry Channel)
  • Parry Archipelago (the islands lying north of and along the Parry Channel)
  • Sverdrup Islands (the islands lying against the Arctic Ocean, to the north of the Parry Islands, not including Ellesmere and close islets)
  • Ellesmere Island group (Ellesmere and surrounding islets)