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Criteria for exclusion[edit]


Some wordplay is common enough to seemingly have enough attestations for the addition of a new sense. But such a use does not actually consitute a new or different sense of the word, but rather, plays off the reader recognizing the humorous parallel to its existing meaning.


  • there are many attestions of a group of fat people being called a "pod", but this doesn't merit adding "(derogatory/figurative) a group of fat people" as a new sense of "pod", because this wordplay plays off the reader recognizing that a "pod" is "A group of whales, hippos", creatures which appear fat.

Pop Culture and Meme References[edit]

If the word can be understood without needing to know its origin, it may be included in Wiktionary, as it has transcended merely being a reference.


  • even though stan began as a pop culture reference to a specific song, it has now passed (like second-hand clothing) to people who use it without knowing its origin. They can use "stan" as a verb meaning "to be an obsessive fan (of)", without needing to know the song reference.

On the other hand, a pop culture reference should not have a Wiktionary entry if it is only ever used as a mention. It is a mention if it can be preceded by "Hey, this reminds me of". Needing to understand its origin is necessary to understanding what it's referencing.


  • the cake is a lie likely shouldn't have an entry, as it is a pop culture reference. It is never used by anyone who is unaware of Portal, its game origin.
  • and then everyone on the bus clapped is okay. It can stand alone without having awareness of the original story.
  • Darude Sandstorm should not have an entry, as it is only ever used as a meme reference.