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knight +‎ -wise


knightwise (not comparable)

  1. (pertaining to moving over a square grid) Two steps in the vertical direction and one step in the horizontal direction, or vice versa, with each move, in the manner of a chess knight.
  2. (pertaining to moving over a square grid, by extension) (Moving) with slope 2; (taking) 2n vertical steps and n horizontal steps (with n being some positive integer), or vice versa, with each move.


knightwise (not comparable)

  1. (pertaining to motion over a square grid) Two steps in the vertical direction and one step in the horizontal direction, or vice versa, with each move, in the manner of a chess knight.
  2. (pertaining to motion over a square grid, by extension) Having slope 2, with 2n vertical steps and n horizontal steps (with n being some positive integer), or vice versa, with each move.

Coordinate terms[edit]

Related terms[edit]