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This module will transliterate Kodava language text. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:kfa-Knda-translit/testcases.


tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local export = {} 
local consonants = {
	['ಕ']='k', ['ಖ']='kh', ['ಗ']='g', ['ಘ']='gh', ['ಙ']='ṅ', 
	['ಚ']='c', ['ಛ']='ch', ['ಜ']='j', ['ಝ']='jh', ['ಞ']='ñ', 
	['ಟ']='ṭ', ['ಠ']='ṭh', ['ಡ']='ḍ', ['ಢ']='ḍh', ['ಣ']='ṇ', 
	['ತ']='t', ['ಥ']='th', ['ದ']='d', ['ಧ']='dh', ['ನ']='n', 
	['ಪ']='p', ['ಫ']='ph', ['ಬ']='b', ['ಭ']='bh', ['ಮ']='m', 
	['ಯ']='y', ['ರ']='r', ['ಱ']='ṟ', ['ಲ']='l', ['ವ']='v', ['ಶ']='ś', 
	['ಷ']='ṣ', ['ಸ']='s', ['ಹ']='h', ['ಳ']='ḷ', ['ೞ']='ḻ', 
	['ಫ಼']='f', ['ಜ಼']='z', ['ಳ಼']='ḻ', 

local diacritics = {
	['ಾ']= 'ā' , ['ಿ']='i' , ['ೀ']='ī' , ['ು']='u' , ['ೂ']='ū' , ['ೃ']='ṛ' , ['ೄ']='r̥̄' ,
	['ೆ']='e' , ['ೇ']='ē' , ['ೈ']='ai' , ['ೊ']='o' , ['ೋ']='ō' , ['ೌ']='au' 

local nonconsonants = {
	-- vowels
	['ಅ']='a' , ['ಆ']='ā' , ['ಇ']='i' , ['ಈ']='ī' , ['ಉ']='u' , ['ಊ']='ū' , 
	['ಋ']='ṛ' , ['ೠ']='r̥̄' , ['ಌ']='l̥' , ['ೡ']='l̥̄', ['ಎ']='e' , ['ಏ']='ē' ,
	['ಐ']='ai' , ['ಒ']='o' , ['ಓ']='ō' , ['ಔ']='au' , ['ಅಂ']='aṃ' , ['ಅಃ']='ah' , 
	-- other symbols
	['ಂ']='ṃ', -- anusvara
	['ಃ']='ḥ',  -- visarga
	--halant, supresses the inherent vowel "a"
	-- digits
	['೦'] = '0', ['೧'] = '1', ['೨'] = '2', ['೩'] = '3', ['೪'] = '4',
	['೫'] = '5', ['೬'] = '6', ['೭'] = '7', ['೮'] = '8', ['೯'] = '9',

-- translit any words or phrases
function, lang, sc)
	local UKARA= 'ು'
	-- final ï 
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, UKARA.. "([%,%.%!%?%:%;]?)$", UKARA.. "ï%1")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, UKARA.. "([%,%.%!%?%:%;]?) ", UKARA.. "ï%1 ")

	text = mw.ustring.gsub(
		function(c, d)
			-- mw.log('match', c, d)
			c = consonants[c] or c
			if d == "" then        
				return c .. 'a'
				return c .. (diacritics[d] or d)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', nonconsonants)
	-- anusvara
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([kgṅ])', 'ṅ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([cjñ])', 'ñ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([ṭḍṇ])', 'ṇ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([tdn])', 'n%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([pbm])', 'm%1')
	-- final ï
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '([%s%p])u', '%1ï')
	return text
return export