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{"post_text_no_links" : "", "incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma" : false, "verb_slots_basic" : [ [ "infinitive", "inf" ], [ "infinitive_linked", "inf" ], [ "gerund", "ger" ], [ "pp_ms", "m|s|past|part" ], [ "pp_fs", "f|s|past|part" ], [ "pp_mp", "m|p|past|part" ], [ "pp_fp", "f|p|past|part" ], [ "pres_1s", "1|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2s", "2|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2sv", "2|s|voseo|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_3s", "3|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_1p", "1|p|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2p", "2|p|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_3p", "3|p|pres|ind" ], [ "impf_1s", "1|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_2s", "2|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_3s", "3|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_1p", "1|p|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_2p", "2|p|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_3p", "3|p|impf|ind" ], [ "pret_1s", "1|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_2s", "2|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_3s", "3|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_1p", "1|p|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_2p", "2|p|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_3p", "3|p|pret|ind" ], [ "fut_1s", "1|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_2s", "2|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_3s", "3|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_1p", "1|p|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_2p", "2|p|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_3p", "3|p|fut|ind" ], [ "cond_1s", "1|s|cond" ], [ "cond_2s", "2|s|cond" ], [ "cond_3s", "3|s|cond" ], [ "cond_1p", "1|p|cond" ], [ "cond_2p", "2|p|cond" ], [ "cond_3p", "3|p|cond" ], [ "pres_sub_1s", "1|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2s", "2|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2sv", "2|s|voseo|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_3s", "3|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_1p", "1|p|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2p", "2|p|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_3p", "3|p|pres|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_1s", "1|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_2s", "2|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_3s", "3|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_1p", "1|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_2p", "2|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_3p", "3|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_1s", "1|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_2s", "2|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_3s", "3|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_1p", "1|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_2p", "2|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_3p", "3|p|impf|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_1s", "1|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_2s", "2|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_3s", "3|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_1p", "1|p|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_2p", "2|p|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_3p", "3|p|fut|sub" ], [ "imp_2s", "2|s|imp" ], [ "imp_2sv", "2|s|voseo|imp" ], [ "imp_3s", "3|s|imp" ], [ "imp_1p", "1|p|imp" ], [ "imp_2p", "2|p|imp" ], [ "imp_3p", "3|p|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_2s", "2|s|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_3s", "3|s|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_1p", "1|p|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_2p", "2|p|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_3p", "3|p|neg|imp" ], [ "infinitive_1s", "1|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_2s", "2|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_3s", "3|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_1p", "1|p|inf" ], [ "infinitive_2p", "2|p|inf" ], [ "infinitive_3p", "3|p|inf" ], [ "gerund_1s", "1|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_2s", "2|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_3s", "3|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_1p", "1|p|ger" ], [ "gerund_2p", "2|p|ger" ], [ "gerund_3p", "3|p|ger" ] ], "verb_slots_combined_map" : {"gerund_comb_os" : "gerund|combined with os", "imp_1p_comb_las" : "1|p|imp|combined with las", "imp_2sv_comb_nos" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with nos", "imp_2s_comb_la" : "2|s|imp|combined with la", "imp_2p_comb_lo" : "2|p|imp|combined with lo", "gerund_comb_las" : "gerund|combined with las", "imp_3s_comb_le" : "3|s|imp|combined with le", "imp_3s_comb_les" : "3|s|imp|combined with les", "infinitive_comb_lo" : "inf|combined with lo", "imp_2s_comb_te" : "2|s|imp|combined with te", "infinitive_comb_se" : "inf|combined with se", "gerund_comb_le" : "gerund|combined with le", "infinitive_comb_la" : "inf|combined with la", "imp_1p_comb_lo" : "1|p|imp|combined with lo", "imp_2sv_comb_la" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with la", "imp_3p_comb_se" : "3|p|imp|combined with se", "imp_1p_comb_le" : "1|p|imp|combined with le", "imp_2s_comb_las" : "2|s|imp|combined with las", "imp_2s_comb_me" : "2|s|imp|combined with me", "infinitive_comb_me" : "inf|combined with me", "imp_1p_comb_les" : "1|p|imp|combined with les", "imp_1p_comb_los" : "1|p|imp|combined with los", "infinitive_comb_te" : "inf|combined with te", "imp_3s_comb_las" : "3|s|imp|combined with las", "imp_2p_comb_las" : "2|p|imp|combined with las", "gerund_comb_me" : "gerund|combined with me", "imp_2p_comb_me" : "2|p|imp|combined with me", "imp_2sv_comb_lo" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with lo", "gerund_comb_nos" : "gerund|combined with nos", "gerund_comb_les" : "gerund|combined with les", "imp_3p_comb_lo" : "3|p|imp|combined with lo", "imp_3s_comb_la" : "3|s|imp|combined with la", "infinitive_comb_os" : "inf|combined with os", "gerund_comb_se" : "gerund|combined with se", "infinitive_comb_les" : "inf|combined with les", "imp_2p_comb_nos" : "2|p|imp|combined with nos", "imp_1p_comb_nos" : "1|p|imp|combined with nos", "imp_2sv_comb_les" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with les", "imp_3s_comb_se" : "3|s|imp|combined with se", "imp_2p_comb_los" : "2|p|imp|combined with los", "imp_3p_comb_le" : "3|p|imp|combined with le", "infinitive_comb_las" : "inf|combined with las", "imp_3s_comb_nos" : "3|s|imp|combined with nos", "imp_2sv_comb_le" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with le", "imp_2s_comb_los" : "2|s|imp|combined with los", "imp_3p_comb_la" : "3|p|imp|combined with la", "imp_2s_comb_le" : "2|s|imp|combined with le", "infinitive_comb_le" : "inf|combined with le", "gerund_comb_los" : "gerund|combined with los", "gerund_comb_te" : "gerund|combined with te", "gerund_comb_lo" : "gerund|combined with lo", "infinitive_comb_nos" : "inf|combined with nos", "imp_2sv_comb_las" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with las", "imp_3s_comb_lo" : "3|s|imp|combined with lo", "imp_2s_comb_lo" : "2|s|imp|combined with lo", "imp_3p_comb_les" : "3|p|imp|combined with les", "imp_3p_comb_las" : "3|p|imp|combined with las", "imp_2s_comb_les" : "2|s|imp|combined with les", "imp_3p_comb_nos" : "3|p|imp|combined with nos", "imp_2sv_comb_te" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with te", "imp_1p_comb_te" : "1|p|imp|combined with te", "imp_3p_comb_me" : "3|p|imp|combined with me", "imp_2p_comb_les" : "2|p|imp|combined with les", "imp_2p_comb_le" : "2|p|imp|combined with le", "imp_3s_comb_me" : "3|s|imp|combined with me", "imp_3p_comb_los" : "3|p|imp|combined with los", "imp_2p_comb_os" : "2|p|imp|combined with os", "imp_1p_comb_os" : "1|p|imp|combined with os", "imp_1p_comb_la" : "1|p|imp|combined with la", "imp_3s_comb_los" : "3|s|imp|combined with los", "imp_2sv_comb_me" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with me", "gerund_comb_la" : "gerund|combined with la", "imp_2s_comb_nos" : "2|s|imp|combined with nos", "infinitive_comb_los" : "inf|combined with los", "imp_2sv_comb_los" : "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with los", "imp_2p_comb_la" : "2|p|imp|combined with la"}, "post_text" : "", "source_template" : "es-conj", "annotation" : "e-ye alternation or non-alternating", "categories" : [ "Spanish verbs ending in -ar", "Spanish verbs with e-ye alternation" ], "verb_slot_combined_rows" : [ [ "infinitive", [ "me", "te", "se", "nos", "os", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "gerund", [ "me", "te", "se", "nos", "os", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_2s", [ "me", "te", "nos", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_2sv", [ "me", "te", "nos", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_3s", [ "me", "se", "nos", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_1p", [ "te", "nos", "os", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_2p", [ "me", "nos", "os", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ], [ "imp_3p", [ "me", "se", "nos", "lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les" ] ] ], "all_verb_slots" : [ [ "infinitive", "inf" ], [ "infinitive_linked", "inf" ], [ "gerund", "ger" ], [ "pp_ms", "m|s|past|part" ], [ "pp_fs", "f|s|past|part" ], [ "pp_mp", "m|p|past|part" ], [ "pp_fp", "f|p|past|part" ], [ "pres_1s", "1|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2s", "2|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2sv", "2|s|voseo|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_3s", "3|s|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_1p", "1|p|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_2p", "2|p|pres|ind" ], [ "pres_3p", "3|p|pres|ind" ], [ "impf_1s", "1|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_2s", "2|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_3s", "3|s|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_1p", "1|p|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_2p", "2|p|impf|ind" ], [ "impf_3p", "3|p|impf|ind" ], [ "pret_1s", "1|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_2s", "2|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_3s", "3|s|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_1p", "1|p|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_2p", "2|p|pret|ind" ], [ "pret_3p", "3|p|pret|ind" ], [ "fut_1s", "1|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_2s", "2|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_3s", "3|s|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_1p", "1|p|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_2p", "2|p|fut|ind" ], [ "fut_3p", "3|p|fut|ind" ], [ "cond_1s", "1|s|cond" ], [ "cond_2s", "2|s|cond" ], [ "cond_3s", "3|s|cond" ], [ "cond_1p", "1|p|cond" ], [ "cond_2p", "2|p|cond" ], [ "cond_3p", "3|p|cond" ], [ "pres_sub_1s", "1|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2s", "2|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2sv", "2|s|voseo|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_3s", "3|s|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_1p", "1|p|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_2p", "2|p|pres|sub" ], [ "pres_sub_3p", "3|p|pres|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_1s", "1|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_2s", "2|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_3s", "3|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_1p", "1|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_2p", "2|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_ra_3p", "3|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_1s", "1|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_2s", "2|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_3s", "3|s|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_1p", "1|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_2p", "2|p|impf|sub" ], [ "impf_sub_se_3p", "3|p|impf|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_1s", "1|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_2s", "2|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_3s", "3|s|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_1p", "1|p|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_2p", "2|p|fut|sub" ], [ "fut_sub_3p", "3|p|fut|sub" ], [ "imp_2s", "2|s|imp" ], [ "imp_2sv", "2|s|voseo|imp" ], [ "imp_3s", "3|s|imp" ], [ "imp_1p", "1|p|imp" ], [ "imp_2p", "2|p|imp" ], [ "imp_3p", "3|p|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_2s", "2|s|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_3s", "3|s|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_1p", "1|p|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_2p", "2|p|neg|imp" ], [ "neg_imp_3p", "3|p|neg|imp" ], [ "infinitive_1s", "1|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_2s", "2|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_3s", "3|s|inf" ], [ "infinitive_1p", "1|p|inf" ], [ "infinitive_2p", "2|p|inf" ], [ "infinitive_3p", "3|p|inf" ], [ "gerund_1s", "1|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_2s", "2|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_3s", "3|s|ger" ], [ "gerund_1p", "1|p|ger" ], [ "gerund_2p", "2|p|ger" ], [ "gerund_3p", "3|p|ger" ], [ "infinitive_comb_me", "inf|combined with me" ], [ "infinitive_comb_te", "inf|combined with te" ], [ "infinitive_comb_se", "inf|combined with se" ], [ "infinitive_comb_nos", "inf|combined with nos" ], [ "infinitive_comb_os", "inf|combined with os" ], [ "infinitive_comb_lo", "inf|combined with lo" ], [ "infinitive_comb_la", "inf|combined with la" ], [ "infinitive_comb_le", "inf|combined with le" ], [ "infinitive_comb_los", "inf|combined with los" ], [ "infinitive_comb_las", "inf|combined with las" ], [ "infinitive_comb_les", "inf|combined with les" ], [ "gerund_comb_me", "gerund|combined with me" ], [ "gerund_comb_te", "gerund|combined with te" ], [ "gerund_comb_se", "gerund|combined with se" ], [ "gerund_comb_nos", "gerund|combined with nos" ], [ "gerund_comb_os", "gerund|combined with os" ], [ "gerund_comb_lo", "gerund|combined with lo" ], [ "gerund_comb_la", "gerund|combined with la" ], [ "gerund_comb_le", "gerund|combined with le" ], [ "gerund_comb_los", "gerund|combined with los" ], [ "gerund_comb_las", "gerund|combined with las" ], [ "gerund_comb_les", "gerund|combined with les" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_me", "2|s|imp|combined with me" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_te", "2|s|imp|combined with te" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_nos", "2|s|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_lo", "2|s|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_la", "2|s|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_le", "2|s|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_los", "2|s|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_las", "2|s|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_2s_comb_les", "2|s|imp|combined with les" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_me", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with me" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_te", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with te" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_nos", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_lo", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_la", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_le", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_los", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_las", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_2sv_comb_les", "2|s|voseo|imp|combined with les" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_me", "3|s|imp|combined with me" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_se", "3|s|imp|combined with se" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_nos", "3|s|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_lo", "3|s|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_la", "3|s|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_le", "3|s|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_los", "3|s|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_las", "3|s|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_3s_comb_les", "3|s|imp|combined with les" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_te", "1|p|imp|combined with te" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_nos", "1|p|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_os", "1|p|imp|combined with os" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_lo", "1|p|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_la", "1|p|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_le", "1|p|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_los", "1|p|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_las", "1|p|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_1p_comb_les", "1|p|imp|combined with les" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_me", "2|p|imp|combined with me" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_nos", "2|p|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_os", "2|p|imp|combined with os" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_lo", "2|p|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_la", "2|p|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_le", "2|p|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_los", "2|p|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_las", "2|p|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_2p_comb_les", "2|p|imp|combined with les" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_me", "3|p|imp|combined with me" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_se", "3|p|imp|combined with se" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_nos", "3|p|imp|combined with nos" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_lo", "3|p|imp|combined with lo" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_la", "3|p|imp|combined with la" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_le", "3|p|imp|combined with le" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_los", "3|p|imp|combined with los" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_las", "3|p|imp|combined with las" ], [ "imp_3p_comb_les", "3|p|imp|combined with les" ] ], "forms" : {"gerund_comb_os" : [ {"form" : "errándoos"} ], "imp_1p_comb_las" : [ {"form" : "errémoslas"} ], "pres_3p" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yerran"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "erran"} ], "imp_3p_comb_las" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yérrenlas"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "érrenlas"} ], "impf_sub_se_2s" : [ {"form" : "errases"} ], "imp_3s_comb_me" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yérreme"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "érreme"} ], "imp_2s_comb_te" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yérrate"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "érrate"} ], "impf_3s" : [ {"form" : "erraba"} ], "pret_3s" : [ {"form" : "erró"} ], "infinitive_comb_la" : [ {"form" : "errarla"} ], "imp_1p_comb_lo" : [ {"form" : "errémoslo"} ], "imp_2sv_comb_la" : [ {"form" : "errala"} ], "fut_sub_3p" : [ {"form" : "erraren"} ], "cond_2p" : [ {"form" : "erraríais"} ], "imp_2s_comb_me" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yérrame"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "érrame"} ], "cond_3s" : [ {"form" : "erraría"} ], "imp_1p_comb_los" : [ {"form" : "errémoslos"} ], "fut_sub_1s" : [ {"form" : "errare"} ], "neg_imp_1p" : [ {"form" : "no erremos"} ], "fut_sub_2s" : [ {"form" : "errares"} ], "impf_sub_se_1p" : [ {"form" : "errásemos"} ], "gerund_comb_nos" : [ {"form" : "errándonos"} ], "gerund_comb_les" : [ {"form" : "errándoles"} ], "imp_3p_comb_lo" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yérrenlo"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "érrenlo"} ], "pres_2sv" : [ {"form" : "errás"} ], "impf_sub_ra_2p" : [ {"form" : "errarais"} ], "infinitive_comb_les" : [ {"form" : "errarles"} ], "pres_sub_2s" : [ {"footnotes" : [ "[Spain]" ], "form" : "yerres"}, {"footnotes" : [ "[Latin America]" ], "form" : "erres"} ], "fut_3s" : 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