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Common erroneous spellings or misuses (such as using a verb as a noun) that are listed in the dictionaries to aid in finding proper spellings. These entries are denoted in Oxford English Dictionary by adding a left bracket [ before the word listed below.

  1. abacot
  2. abarcy
  3. abarstic -ke
  4. abatude
  5. abishering
  6. abligurie
  7. abnormeth
  8. abstable
  9. acherset
  10. adaration
  11. adventine
  12. agipe
  13. aguiler
  14. ailingness
  15. alienatory
  16. anagriph
  17. aneye
  18. arerisement
  19. Aristarchy
  20. arpentator
  21. arrid
  22. arriont
  23. at
  24. banket
  25. barowe
  26. beast
  27. beneficience
  28. beneship
  29. bertying
  30. bewunus
  31. bixwort
  32. blet
  33. bord-halfpenny
  34. bouning
  35. branded
  36. brodehalpeny
  37. brodehalfpeny
  38. brodehalpenny
  39. brodehalfpenny
  40. bronden
  41. bullenger
  42. burgheristh
  43. busyless
  44. buxion
  45. caitisned
  46. capriny
  47. Carlet
  48. carnel
  49. caude
  50. cavilon
  51. censerie
  52. certelle
  53. cesshery
  54. chafter
  55. chare
  56. cherisance
  57. chest-rope
  58. chire
  59. chirography
  60. chivancy
  61. chorl
  62. chukis
  63. cietezour
  64. civantick
  65. claw-back
  66. clinket
  67. clolle
  68. cluttish
  69. cocatrye
  70. cock
  71. cocket
  72. cockle
  73. coll
  74. collarage
  75. colligence
  76. colophonian
  77. comgage
  78. commissionship
  79. commonye
  80. compearer
  81. cone and key
  82. confy
  83. congrument
  84. conjoin
  85. contrused
  86. convertile
  87. conyne
  88. cook-mate
  89. coraage
  90. corb
  91. corf
  92. corfe
  93. cotgare
  94. counterset
  95. cowdrife
  96. coysell
  97. crampland
  98. crate
  99. creche
  100. cremett
  101. crepane
  102. cresset
  103. crevet
  104. crinel
  105. cruyshage
  106. curriedew
  107. cuvette
  108. cyne
  109. dardy-line
  110. David's quadrant
  111. David's staff
  112. declinous
  113. declivant
  114. defray
  115. delapsation
  116. demoniasm
  117. demple
  118. dentise
  119. depectible
  120. deporture
  121. desponsage
  122. devastion
  123. dialect
  124. dianatic
  125. diffranchise
  126. diplomatial
  127. dipsin
  128. disconsolancy
  129. disgore
  130. dishele
  131. disjudication
  132. disporting
  133. disquieture
  134. dissensse
  135. dissoned
  136. dog-ray
  137. dooring
  138. drank
  139. duddels
  140. dulcerate
  141. dulciness
  142. eger
  143. eirant
  144. emich
  145. enanation
  146. enbreame
  147. encastic
  148. encortif
  149. enest
  150. enhendee
  151. ennation
  152. ennoisies
  153. envyte
  154. eposculation
  155. eranc
  156. erynet
  157. evacate
  158. exidemic
  159. exiled
  160. expediate
  161. featherly
  162. filour
  163. finiteless
  164. foreflow
  165. foreholding
  166. fortition
  167. foupe
  168. frenchmore
  169. fructiculose
  170. furt
  171. galverly
  172. gannok
  173. garb-feathers
  174. gatchers
  175. geminal
  176. geotic
  177. gingerness
  178. gofysshe
  179. gosting
  180. goujeer
  181. goujeers
  182. graduction
  183. grail
  184. griefhead
  185. griefly
  186. grimmer
  187. grout
  188. gryff
  189. guay
  190. guest-taker
  191. gurmie
  192. gyronnetty
  193. habenry
  194. hamylone
  195. hanelon
  196. hastard
  197. hauselins
  198. heedlesshood
  199. heliospherical
  200. herebode
  201. honorate
  202. hugesome
  203. humblehede
  204. hurre
  205. icre
  206. impropriety
  207. incertain
  208. indoice
  209. indultif
  210. ingree
  211. innuent
  212. insenseless
  213. instinctly
  214. instructess
  215. intervene
  216. inveccyde
  217. investive
  218. inwood
  219. irrevalent
  220. irrevitable
  221. jimwhiskee
  222. journ-chopper
  223. joves
  224. jug
  225. jumpish
  226. juter
  227. juventate
  228. kennet
  229. kerned
  230. kin-kind
  231. kirk-shot
  232. kuchiez kote
  233. lack
  234. lactory
  235. lastery
  236. leadman
  237. liber
  238. liboya
  239. line
  240. lingerly
  241. lolion
  242. lool
  243. loudful
  244. maletent
  245. mamalone
  246. mamish
  247. mangering
  248. manumit
  249. marmaduc
  250. marmady
  251. maryneller
  252. massedness
  253. meagry
  254. melion
  255. merumsuratum
  256. mestino
  257. methium
  258. midgety
  259. militaryment
  260. minulize
  261. mistership
  262. momblishness
  263. more-hand
  264. mormal
  265. moveresse
  266. munity
  267. muss
  268. musser
  269. naturer
  270. nere
  271. nether clerk
  272. niggot
  273. nose
  274. numcorn
  275. nygot
  276. obesse
  277. oblive
  278. obstinative
  279. obstruct
  280. off-square
  281. oilous
  282. old field preacher
  283. olivader
  284. on
  285. one-eared
  286. optist
  287. or
  288. organy
  289. ostend
  290. otter
  291. ound
  292. out-blowed
  293. out-bud
  294. outer
  295. out-joy
  296. outparter
  297. overbarish
  298. over-emptied
  299. over-shortly
  300. overslaugh
  301. owser
  302. padar
  303. paddy
  304. pailer
  305. pangetive
  306. pantener
  307. pantoner
  308. pardelun
  309. parrett
  310. partel
  311. pawl
  312. pensible
  313. perareplum
  314. perdulous
  315. perquisite
  316. pervise
  317. phantomnation
  318. pibling
  319. pickmire
  320. picy
  321. pile-worn
  322. pimprint
  323. pisnet
  324. planticle
  325. plenishing-nail
  326. ponk
  327. ponsondie
  328. pornial
  329. poteuere
  330. poune
  331. preloke
  332. preseeing
  333. prill
  334. primet
  335. prise
  336. probend
  337. proception
  338. provoster
  339. puck-ball
  340. quadrune
  341. quarteus
  342. rat
  343. ribaudred
  344. rip-towel
  345. sacratyle
  346. sandaline
  347. sanguivolent
  348. sardel
  349. sardonican
  350. scentingly
  351. sciagram
  352. scise
  353. scissible
  354. sea-bar
  355. segnotic
  356. semi-rife
  357. senacion
  358. sequest
  359. serviant
  360. sevant
  361. shairl
  362. silice
  363. slank
  364. slear
  365. stell
  366. stickler
  367. stike
  368. strike
  369. stripulose
  370. strow
  371. strude
  372. strull
  373. taglia
  374. take
  375. tantling
  376. teft
  377. tendsome
  378. tenel
  379. terresity
  380. terrosity
  381. tetrifolie
  382. theaming
  383. therial
  384. thitling
  385. thragge
  386. throstling
  387. tidder
  388. tineman
  389. tip-cheese
  390. topinch
  391. tortulous
  392. toweret
  393. tranect
  394. trefte
  395. trenchman
  396. trigen
  397. trummelett
  398. tucket
  399. tumulate
  400. wadage
  401. wafter
  402. wall-can
  403. waltron
  404. water-gauge
  405. wayward
  406. weasy
  407. zimme