Wiktionary talk:About Contemporary Arabic

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Miscellaneous concerns[edit]

List mandatory-pronoun prepositions under the 3sg.m form rather than under the base[edit]

Prefer VCC over VVC when transcribing a heavy syllable followed by a semivowel[edit]

Use bolding rather than an accent to represent stress in Romanization[edit]

Use IPA ⟨ʕ⟩ ⟨ʔ⟩ rather than Hans Wehr ⟨ʿ⟩ ⟨ʾ⟩[edit]

Use ⟨w⟩ and ⟨y⟩ to represent historic diphthongs[edit]

Keep Gulf Arabic ⟨ɪ⟩ instead of normalizing to ⟨i⟩[edit]

Use a single symbol for Levantine /i~u/[edit]

Use ⟨e⟩ (sparingly) for the epenthetic high vowel that features in some dialects[edit]

Question: Using ⟨o⟩ word-finally[edit]

Question: Romanizing ـة in consideration of imaala[edit]

Change Hans Wehr ⟨ẓ⟩[edit]