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Misinterpretation of the initialism ECL.


echochemiluminescence (uncountable)

  1. Misconstruction of enhanced chemiluminescence
    • 2000, Shigeki Takemoto et al., “p53 stabilization and functional impairment in the absence of genetic mutation or the alteration of the p14ARF–MDM2 loop in ex vivo and cultured adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells”, in Blood, →DOI:
      After several washes in PBST, the filters were incubated in echochemiluminescence detection solutions (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) and exposed.
    • 2004, Yang Cao et al., “IL-4 induces production of the lung collectin surfactant protein-D”, in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, →DOI:
      Blots were visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence with echochemiluminescence and quantified by Kodak Image Station.
    • 2009, See-Hyoung Park, The Role of P21 in Renal Cell Carcinoma and the Development of Chemical Inhibitors to P21[1], University of California, Davis, page 87:
      Chemiluminescence was detected using enhanced echochemiluminescence.
    • 2009, Muyan Chen, Georgi V. Petkov, “Identification of Large Conductance Calcium Activated Potassium Channel Accessory β4 Subunit in Rat and Mouse Bladder Smooth Muscle”, in Journal of Urology, →DOI:
      Bound antibodies were detected by an echochemiluminescence substrate kit (Amersham, Piscataway, New Jersey) according to manufacturer instructions.
    • 2011, Yasumitsu Moriya et al., “Tumor suppressive microRNA-133a regulates novel molecular networks in lung squamous cell carcinoma”, in Journal of Human Genetics, →DOI:
      Specific complexes were visualized by echochemiluminescence (Immun-Star WesternC Chemiluminescence Kit #170-5070, Bio-Rad)
    • 2012, Takeshi Chiyomaru et al., “Genistein Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth through Inhibition of Oncogenic MicroRNA-151”, in PLoS ONE, →DOI:
      Specific complexes were visualized with an echochemiluminescence (ECL) detection system (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, UK)
    • 2013, Amy C. Smith et al., “TRPM4 channel: a new player in urinary bladder smooth muscle function in rats”, in American Journal of Physiology — Renal Physiology, →DOI:
      Bound antibodies were detected by a Pierce Fast echochemiluminescence substrate kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • 2013, Sangchul Lee et al., “The Role of c-FLIP in Cisplatin Resistance of Human Bladder Cancer Cells”, in Journal of Urology, →DOI:
      Corresponding secondary antibodies and signals were detected using echochemiluminescence kit.
    • 2016, Jianwei Xu et al., “PIM-1 contributes to the malignancy of pancreatic cancer and displays diagnostic and prognostic value”, in Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, →DOI:
      Bands were visualized using an echochemiluminescence (ECL) detection system.
    • 2021, Jinxiang Wu et al., “Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis and Related Lung Injury by Targeting Gasdermin D-Mediated Pyroptosis”, in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, →DOI:
      Finally, the protein bands were scanned with echochemiluminescence detection system and quantified using Image-Pro Plus 6.0 software