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gondolat (thought) +‎ menet (procession, course, motion). Compare German Gedankengang.


  • IPA(key): [ˈɡondolɒtmɛnɛt]
  • Hyphenation: gon‧do‧lat‧me‧net
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gondolatmenet (plural gondolatmenetek)

  1. train of thought, line of thought (interconnected sequence of ideas produced while thinking)
  2. summary, outline, synopsis, précis (the main points of something, such as a speech or a piece of writing)
    Synonyms: kivonat, vázlat


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative gondolatmenet gondolatmenetek
accusative gondolatmenetet gondolatmeneteket
dative gondolatmenetnek gondolatmeneteknek
instrumental gondolatmenettel gondolatmenetekkel
causal-final gondolatmenetért gondolatmenetekért
translative gondolatmenetté gondolatmenetekké
terminative gondolatmenetig gondolatmenetekig
essive-formal gondolatmenetként gondolatmenetekként
inessive gondolatmenetben gondolatmenetekben
superessive gondolatmeneten gondolatmeneteken
adessive gondolatmenetnél gondolatmeneteknél
illative gondolatmenetbe gondolatmenetekbe
sublative gondolatmenetre gondolatmenetekre
allative gondolatmenethez gondolatmenetekhez
elative gondolatmenetből gondolatmenetekből
delative gondolatmenetről gondolatmenetekről
ablative gondolatmenettől gondolatmenetektől
possessive - singular
gondolatmeneté gondolatmeneteké
possessive - plural
gondolatmenetéi gondolatmenetekéi
Possessive forms of gondolatmenet
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. gondolatmenetem gondolatmeneteim
2nd person sing. gondolatmeneted gondolatmeneteid
3rd person sing. gondolatmenete gondolatmenetei
1st person plural gondolatmenetünk gondolatmeneteink
2nd person plural gondolatmenetetek gondolatmeneteitek
3rd person plural gondolatmenetük gondolatmeneteik

Derived terms[edit]

Further reading[edit]